Njengoko iYunivesithi iRhodes iqhuba umbhiyozo wayo weminyaka engama-120 (obizwa ngokuba yi-RU120), omnye umamkeli wesidanga sokunika imbeko sobuGqirhalwazi  kule Yunivesithi, nowayesakuba ngumfundi weendaba ku-SABC nolitshantliziyo kwezenkcubeko uGqirhalwazi uNoxolo Grootboom, uvakalise ilizwi lakhe kwimpumelelo yeli phulo.

Emva kokupapashwa kwezibhengezo ze-RU120 ezithe zayimpumelelo koonomathotholo, oomabonakude, kwiibhodi zezaziso (billboards) kunye nemiqondiso kwisititshi seGautrain nezinye, ilizwi likaGqirhalwazi uGrootboom liza kuvakala kwintengiso yesiXhosa kanomathotholo ye-RU120 eza kusasazwa kuzwelonke  ngeyeSilimela (June).

Phambi kokuqaliswa kwemibhiyozo uSekela-Ngqonyela (Vice-Chancellor) weYunivesithi iRhodes, uNjingalwazi uSizwe Mabizela, ukhuphe ikhwelo malunga ne-RU120 esithi linika “ithuba lokucingisisa ngobuchule kwaye sihlaziye ukukhula, uphuhliso nozinzo olusekelezwe kwizigqibo nezicwangciso zethu nokusebenza kwethu kunye nabaxhasi bethu.” Loo njongo igxininisa imisebenzi esele yenziwe nephawula lo mba ubalulekileyo kwimbali yale Yunivesithi.

Ngo-2021 ngexa iYunivesithi iRhodes yayinika uGqirhalwazi uGrootboom isidanga sobuGqirha kuNcwadi (D.Litt) (honoris causa) ngokukhuthaza ukuzingca nenkcubeko kwisizwe ngomsebenzi wakhe wobuNtatheli, uNjingalwazi uMabizela wagxininisa ifuthe elingenakucimeka analo uGqirhalwazi uGrootboom kwisizwe. “Iwonga lakhe livela kwicandelo losasazo nakuMzantsi Afrika uphela, ngokuthatha uxanduva lokuba enze umsebenzi ngendlela ethe yakhuthaza abemi abaninzi, nangamaxesha engxubakaxaka,” watsho uNjingalwazi uMabizela. “Ubuchule bakhe bokunxibelelana nabaphulaphuli bakhe ngolwimi lwakhe olunamandla noluthathwa kwinkcubeko yakhe lwenza uMam’ Noxolo akhetheke njengomele nothethela isizwe ngexesha lemisitho eyimbali esizweni.”

Bekufanelekile ukuba uGqr. Grootboom avakalise ilizwi lakhe kweli phulo elizama ukujonga ngemva ngeminyaka engama-120 yogqweso kwiYunivesithi iRhodes kwaye akhuthaze ukwabelana ngembali yeli ziko apho iinkokheli zifunda khona.

“IYunivesithi iRhodes liziko elihlonitshiweyo kwaye ukuwongwa lilo ngethuba bendinika isidanga sobugqirha yenye yemini ezibalulekileyo ebomini bam. Ukususela ngoko, iYunivesithi iye yandiwonga kwakhona ngomzobo oseludongeni lweSikolo sabo sobuNtatheli kunye neziFundo ze-Media.”  Utshilo uGqr. Grootboom. “Ukunikela ngelizwi lam kweli phulo le-RU120 yinto engadingi kucingwa kum. Ndinemincili ukuba yinxalenye yombhiyozo weminyaka engama-120 yeYunivesithi yaseRhodes.”

Ngokulinganayo iYunivesithi iRhodes inewonga ngokuba noGqr. Grootboom njengomnye woonozakuzaku bayo kunye nobuso be-RU120.


Tebello Nyokong Institute for Nanotechnology Innovation


The Tebello Nyokong Institute for Nanotechnology Innovation (TNINI) was established in 2007 by the Department of Science and Technology with Mintek. TNINI is an international leader in knowledge creating and human capital development in the field of medicinal chemistry and nanotechnology. It is a well facilitated with research instruments and specialized laboratories not found elsewhere under one roof, making it a one-stop-shop for medicinal chemistry and nanotechnology research. Its namesake the world-renowned scientist, Distinguished Professor Tebello Nyokong and DST/NRF SARCHI of Medicinal Chemistry and Nanotechnology, leads the Tebello Nyokong Institute for Nanotechnology Innovation.

The Tebello Nyokong Institute for Nanotechnology Innovation has seen an immense growth in multidisciplinary research projects. The research projects under investigation seek to address nowadays challenges, such as climate effect on human health, materials for green energy generation or harvesting, sensors for disease diagnosis, and photodynamic therapy treatment of cancer. The advent of nanotechnology saw further growth to the Institute’s research endeavors and the following research projects are investigated:

  • Nanomaterial conjugates with photochemical and photophysical properties,
  • Non-linear optical properties of materials and nanomaterials,
  • Nanomaterials for drug delivery studies,
  • Nanomaterials for anticancer and antimicrobial photodynamic therapy,
  • Nanomaterial composites for water treatment and purification,
  • Nanomaterial composites and conjugates for sensing applications
    • monitoring of diseases and virus outbreaks,
    • detection of diseases and virus surveillance, and
    • monitoring environmental and water pollution,
  • Nanomaterials and their composites for energy generation